Changes in
Contractor Time sheet approval 



Dear PM/DM,


We have reviewed the issues with existing contractor time sheet approval process & is making a few changes.

§  Earlier the person mentioned in the Work order when contractor joined was approving the timesheets. This resulted in lot of mail exchanges between the Recruiter and Contractor supervisor to get it updated in synergy. Now a role holder (eg: DM,PM,Primary supervisror etc) would be tagged as the approver automatically.

§  Based on the billability status of contractor the approval work flow is designed.

§  Before there was no linkage between the efforts logged in by the contractor and actual billing hours.  But now this would be linked

§  Remarks/Justification is mandatory for exceeding normal working hours.


Key Points


1.       If a contractor is billable and NB


a)      If the time sheet is within the normal hours expected per month, the Project Manager of the current project (as on the last working day of the month),  in which the contractor is working should approve the timesheet and not the reporting manager of the contractor.


Normal working hours for onsite is 8hrs per day and for offshore it is 8.45 hours.


b)      If the time sheet exceeds normal working hours expected, second level approval will be done by the Delivery Manager of the current project in which the contractor is working.


2.       For contractors who are on Bench (Free) due to BGV /investment etc., time sheet should be approved by Primary supervisor and second level approval by WMG head of SL/BU .

3.       For contractors who are support tagged, time sheet should be approved by the Primary Supervisor.


4.       Expense Reimbursement approvals will be done by



1st Level Approver

2nd Level Approver

Billable & Non Billable

Project Manager

Delivery Manager

On bench (Free)

Primary Supervisor



Primary Supervisor



These changes would be applicable for both offshore and onsite contractors.


Approvals to be done in myWipro >> Business Applications

For suggestions and approvals, please write to

Changes would be live by 11th Oct 2013.



Workforce Management Group